[TRNSYS-users] Controller 2d

David BRADLEY d.bradley at tess-inc.com
Mon Feb 6 09:06:13 PST 2012

   Type2 is designed to be a "heating" controller, meaning that it turns 
on when the control value drops below a certain setpoint. In your case, 
you want the opposite so you can either use one of the controllers that 
is designed for a "cooling" application (Type108 would work) or you can 
make an equation that inverts the result of your Type2's output

output = 1-Type2Result


On 2/4/2012 09:44, Juliane Weidhaus wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to build my project the night air, which is a function of 
> the horizontal radiation.
> Here is my approach:
> First In trnbuild I made at an input ventilation (I: 1 * Nachtl)
> Second In studio I use the controller 2d, the controller when the 
> radiation is 0 to go to on and if more than 0 to 0.
> Have already tried all the options and do not get it back, he does it 
> the other way.
> What values ​​ should I enter into the input fields 1-6.
> Thank you very much
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Thermal Energy Systems Specialists, LLC
22 North Carroll Street - suite 370
Madison, WI  53703 USA

d.bradley at tess-inc.com


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