[TRNSYS-users] ORC in TRNSYS (16.0 or 17.0)

David BRADLEY d.bradley at tess-inc.com
Fri Feb 3 08:06:28 PST 2012

   I am not aware of an existing ORC model for TRNSYS. The one time that 
we needed to model one, we took a simplified overall efficiency 
approach. The cycle efficiency depended on some time dependent variables 
but we did not model the actual components of the cycle. About a year 
ago, a client approached us about writing a component-based cycle model 
but the project didn't proceed.

   As I think you have discovered, most (if not all) of the power 
producing components available use steam as the working fluid. They call 
various steam properties routines internally. It would not be all that 
difficult to change the models to call a property routine for some other 
working fluid. The real complication comes in writing or obtaining the 
property routine for that other fluid. The routine would have to be able 
to return all of the state properties (density, temperature, pressure, 
enthalpy, entropy, quality, etc.) based on knowing any two of those 
properties. Some years ago, there was a TRNSYS component written to 
transfer information between TRNSYS and a software tool called REFPROP 
(http://www.nist.gov/srd/nist23.cfm) which can return refrigerant 
properties of quite a few different fluids. Reviving that Type might be 
the simplest way to proceed.
Kind regards,

On 2/2/2012 07:03, stephanlangbsc at aol.de wrote:
> Ladies and Gentlemen,
> I am about to model a CHP-System with solarthermal heat and an ORC 
> power generation in TRNSYS 16.0 (TRNSYS 17.0 is also available).
> Is there any Library or type known for an ORC-turbine or for an 
> complete ORC-Process?
> Or does anybody knows any other possibility to simulate an ORC in TRNSYS?
> I tried to change the STEC-Library into using another working fuid 
> than water, but i failed to change the steam-turbine. Evaporator and
> Condenser could be adapted to another fluid by changing the tables 
> with thermodynamic values in boil.for, by compiling extra dll-files 
> for those types and by deactivating the stecdll.dll.
> To adapt the turbine I need to change steam3.for and Steam_C.for as 
> well, but I dont understand what exactly the equations in steam3.for 
> in the section
> ENTROPY*******"
> describe and i couldnt find out, where the data comes from. So I 
> couldnt change those equations into describing the thermodynamic 
> behaviour of another fluid.
> Maybe someone knows about that issue?
> Thank You and Kind Rgards
> Slang
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Thermal Energy Systems Specialists, LLC
22 North Carroll Street - suite 370
Madison, WI  53703 USA

d.bradley at tess-inc.com


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