[TRNSYS-users] TYPE185 - battery with gasing current effects

George Kyriakarakos gk at aua.gr
Wed Feb 1 02:34:31 PST 2012

Dear users,


I am using v 16 of TRNSYS and I am looking to include type185 in one of our
projects instead of Type47. The problem is that the batteries available in
the data file supplied with TRNSYS are a bit outdated. Has one got the
parameters for a newer 2 V OPzS battery (no matter the Ah rating)? 

Thank you in advance,




George Kyriakarakos, Agricultural Engineer

MSc Energy Systems & Renewable Energy Sources

Agricultural University of Athens,

Dept. of Natural Resources and Agricultural Engineering

Iera odos street, 75, Athens 11855, Greece

Tel. +30.210.5294046 (direct), Fax: +30.210.5294023

Mobile +30.6942.046895

e-mail: <gk at aua.gr>



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