[TRNSYS-users] problem with weather file .109

faustine escoffier escoffier.faustine at gmail.com
Fri Aug 17 09:29:47 PDT 2012

Dear all,

I have a big problem with my weather files. I'm trying to compare a
meteonorm file with a real weather file for the same place.
I'm using for my real case a type 109 using the Perez model.
To compare outside temperature I decided to plout out my two files with a
type 65.

I get the following problem: My ouside temperature plotted out (from my
type 109) does not correspond to the temperature of the column defined as

I need ur help please...How could you explaine this problem? Where does the
error come from? I have no idea about it!

Thaks a lot

*ESCOFFIER Faustine*
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