Matt Duffy duffy at tess-inc.com
Wed Aug 15 09:05:06 PDT 2012


Dear Aika, 

Please look at the TRNBuild documentation for the
different descriptions of the different outputs ("NTYPES" as TRNBuild
refers). Please note the differences between that "QSENS" (positive or
negative), "QHEAT" (always positive), and "QCOOL" (always positive).

Best regards, 

Matt Duffy 

On 2012-08-14 11:35, Айгерим Сейдуалиева

> Dear all,
> Sorry for this question. How can I calculate
total heating demand of the building. I swiched on heating and cooling
in zones. Then I get output numbers with positive numbers between 0-8h
and negative 9-18h then positive 19-24. Should I sum up all this
numbers? And why numbers positive and negative I haven't put schedule?

> Thanks in Advance 
> Aika
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