[TRNSYS-users] Iterative feedback controller

Mazen Darwish mazentd at gmail.com
Mon Apr 16 08:54:08 PDT 2012


i have a question regarding the iterative feedback controller :

I have a solar air reciever connected to a compressor , i want to regulate
the output of the compressor depending to maintain the reciever outlet
temperature at a set value.
i am trying to do this with a type 22 controller but i dont know if i am
doing it right heres what i have done :

Set the set point in the controller equalling the reciever temperature  i
need , connected the reciever to the controller and conencted the outlet
temperature to teh controll variable.
Set the controll signal of the controller to the inlet mass flow of the
compressor .

can anyone help me please in this because im getting error messages.

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