[TRNSYS-users] R: Create a new type

jeannieboef jeannieboef at googlemail.com
Mon Apr 23 07:18:24 PDT 2012

The function getsimulationtimestep must be defined in your  
trnsysfunctions.f90 module which I assume you also recompiled. MP  
maybe module parameter? I've never seen this error whist compiling,  
but "undefined reference" usually refers to a function name or  
whatever name that was not defined in your type or in the modules  
included in your type.

Sent from my iPhone

On 23.04.2012, at 10:40, Tiziano Terlizzese <tiziano.terlizzese2 at unibo.it 
 > wrote:

> Dear all,
> I'm trying to create a new type, a water tank, using g95 as  
> compiler. Running my script into g95 (the script is in attachment)  
> the only error I get now is  "undefined reference to  
> `trnsysfunctions_MP_getsimulationstarttime'”.
> Any suggestion?
> Thanks,
> Tiziano
> Università di Bologna
> Dipartimento di Ingegneria Energetica Nucleare e del Controllo  
> Ambientale - DIENCA
> Via del Risorgimento, 2 - 40136
> Bologna - Italia
> ________________________________________
> Inizio: jeannieboef [jeannieboef at googlemail.com]
> Inviato: venerdì 30 marzo 2012 18.24
> Fine: David BRADLEY
> Cc: Tiziano Terlizzese; trnsys-users at cae.wisc.edu
> Oggetto: Re: [TRNSYS-users] Create a new type
> Beware! I'm currently trying with g95. As a start the guidelines are
> good, but I have found a few problems that are not mentioned there.
> Find the gg95 google group. search for DMOD to find my conversation. I
> have also posted to this group, but I'm having a bouncing problem atm.
> Since that guild has been written there have been updates to the
> constants, data, and functions modules  which should be included in
> your type code. I would take the source code for these and adjust and
> compile them one by one until they compile without error. As I've
> said, my type compiles fine and runs, but is not working properly. I
> suspect the problem is with the old !DEC$ attributes dllexport::...
> statement which is ignored as a comment by g95. The gcc 4.x.x
> directive has suggested !gcc$ as an easy replace for !DEC$, which
> works a little better, but I'm still having problems. The type
> subroutine and some functions are missing an entry point pointer and
> information gets lost. I've not solved this issue yet and am a bit out
> of my depth here. I think a basic input output function will work fine
> without the pointers.
> Let me know if anyone has working compiled by g95 source code to
> share. I'll post mine when and if it ever works.
> goodluck
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 30.03.2012, at 17:19, David BRADLEY <d.bradley at tess-inc.com> wrote:
>> Tiziano,
>> I am not entirely sure that I understand your question. Fortran 90
>> is a language while Compaq Visual Fortran is a compiler. Most Types
>> in Trnsys16 were written Fortran77 language conventions but some
>> where written using Fortran90 conventions; the two language
>> conventions should be able to interact with each other without
>> problems.
>> Whichever set of language conventions you choose, you need some
>> kind of compiler that can create a DLL containing the source code
>> for your Type. Some users have succeeded in using the free G95
>> compiler to make user Types. There is a tutorial available at: http://sel.me.wisc.edu/trnsys/downloads/tutorials_and_examples/tutex17.htm
>> . While the tutorial is written based on Trnsys17, most of it
>> applies to Trnsys16 as well.
>> Kind regards,
>> David
>> On 3/30/2012 04:14, Tiziano Terlizzese wrote:
>>> Dear trnsys users,
>>> I need to create a new type, a rain water tank. It seems that the
>>> only way to create a new type is to have at disposal COMPAQ Visual
>>> Fortran. Is that correct? Can't you use FORTRAN 90 instead of
>>> compaq visual fortran?
>>> The problem I faced in using fortran 90 is that transys constants
>>> are not already implemented into it. Is there a way out that won't
>>> imply to buy Compaq Visual Fortran? I have TRNSYS 16 version.
>>> Thank you in advance for your help.
>>> Greetings,
>>> Tiziano Terlizzese
>>> Università di Bologna
>>> Dipartimento di Ingegneria Energetica Nucleare e del Controllo
>>> Ambientale - DIENCA
>>> Via del Risorgimento, 2 - 40136
>>> Bologna - Italia
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> TRNSYS-users mailing list
>>> TRNSYS-users at cae.wisc.edu
>>> https://mailman.cae.wisc.edu/listinfo/trnsys-users
>> --
>> ***************************
>> David BRADLEY
>> Principal
>> Thermal Energy Systems Specialists, LLC
>> 22 North Carroll Street - suite 370
>> Madison, WI  53703 USA
>> P:+1.608.274.2577
>> F:+1.608.278.1475
>> d.bradley at tess-inc.com
>> http://www.tess-inc.com
>> http://www.trnsys.com
>> _______________________________________________
>> TRNSYS-users mailing list
>> TRNSYS-users at cae.wisc.edu
>> https://mailman.cae.wisc.edu/listinfo/trnsys-users
> <RainWaterTank.txt>

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