[TRNSYS-users] Type 2b controller dead band problem.

Michael Bissett mikebiscuit at gmail.com
Thu Sep 22 13:50:09 PDT 2011

I have taken your advice and made the timestep, 0.125hr

Still I cannot get it to work. it is still switching on the time step
instead of the dead-band temp.


On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 3:33 PM, Matt Duffy <duffy at tess-inc.com> wrote:

> Dear Michael,
> Please make sure that you are using a reasonable timestep such as 0.125 hr
> (type in terms of hours to avoid problems with the Studio's minute
> conversion trucation). Also, make sure that you have the latest TRNSYS and
> TESS Libraries versions as well.
> Best regards,
> Matt Duffy
> *----- Original Message -----*
> *From:* "Michael Bissett" <mikebiscuit at gmail.com>
> *Sent:* Tue, September 20, 2011 12:44
> *Subject:* Re: [TRNSYS-users] Type 2b controller dead band problem.
> Hi
> I have read the information, I have tried to increase parameter 1, I have
> also looped the controller to its self. Still it does not work
> I have also tried changing many other parameters and have spent a lot of
> time on this problem. still with no luck.
> Any other suggestions?
> Mike
> On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 1:59 PM, Angel Carrera <
> angel.carrera at aiguasol.coop> wrote:
>> Mike,
>> you should connect the output control function of the controller to its
>> own input control function (Input number 4). Also, you should increase the
>> value of parameter 1, to the default value at least (the influence of this
>> parameter is explained at the type 2 documentation, I recommend you to read
>> it, together with the generic section for controllers at the trnsys help)
>> Regards
>> Angel
>> 2011/9/19 Michael Bissett <mikebiscuit at gmail.com>
>>> Dear Trnsys
>>> I am experiencing problems with a simple* type 2b controller*.
>>> I am using a solar collector type 564b
>>> I am trying to compare the temperature of the output of the collector
>>> with output of the tank, getting a temperature difference. I have set the
>>> dead band from 4-10 degrees C.
>>> In the simulation as the temperature rises to 10degrees difference, the
>>> control signal is 1 switching the pump on correctly. but after this the
>>> controller only switches every time step. I have tried shortening the time
>>> step... and changing other parameters.. still with no success.
>>> I have attached the file.
>>> Yours Sincerely
>>> Mike Bissett
>>> Department of Electrical Engineering
>>> University of Cape Town
>>> South Africa
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>> --
>> *Àngel Carrera*
>> *Responsable I+D
>> Àrea tècnica*
>> Sistemes Avançats d'Energia Solar Tèrmica SCCL
>> C/ Roger de Llúria, 29 3r 2a 08009 Barcelona
>> Tel: (+34) 93 342 47 55 Fax: (+34) 93 342 47 56
>> angel.carrera at aiguasol.coop
>> http://www.aiguasol.coop
> ------------------------------
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