[TRNSYS-users] Solar thermal installation and convergence

Oswaldo Hidalgo B ohidalgob at correo.udistrital.edu.co
Fri Sep 2 06:22:20 PDT 2011

Hi Inga

I had similar problem with a solar collector and a new component that I developed for myself. The values of userful energy gain was too high in comparation with my calculations and with the values of a real solar collector that I have in operate.

Well basicly, my problems were in the units of output of userful energy gain in solar collector and the units of input of my component. The unit of userful energy gain are (kj/hr) and this causes that the values be too high. I recomend to you add a unit conversion routine (type57) between the solar collector and the heat exchanger to convert the unit to (kj/s). For this, you have that change the parameter inside of type 57 according to table of trnsys 17 manual (chapter 4, page 4.426-4.431).

Well, there was my fix. I would wish which work for you

Best regards

Oswaldo Hidalgo B
Enviado desde D.M

El 31/08/2011, a las 23:20, Inga Doemland <inga.doemland at anu.edu.au> escribió:

> Good day,
> I would like to cite this question (10 September 2009)
> "Dear Trnsys user, When a solar water collector (Type 73) connected to a heat exchanger in a water tank (Type 60), what is the difference between the Output of the 'useful energy gain' of Type 73 and the Output of the 'Energy input from the heat exchanger of Type60? >From my calculation, the energy from the heat exchanger is much higher than the useful energy of the solar collector. I am not understanding it. Many thanks!"
> I have exactly the same problem and the link above hasn't been answered.
> The source code says, that the "Energy input from the Heat exchanger" is q_hx = UA_hx  x LMTD
> Where is my thinking mistake? There can't be more energy input in the tank than sun available!
> Cheers,
> Inga
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