[TRNSYS-users] change of mailing adress

FSt. Zukunftsenergie luther.gerhard at vdi.de
Wed Nov 30 00:42:46 PST 2011

Hello trnsys -friends
my mailing adress expires today, this is my last mail. 
Please delete luther.gerhard at vdi.de 
from your mailing list.

In the next days I will call for a new mailing adress.

Best regards and thank you for your scientific service
Gerhard Luther
meine Adresse:
  Dr. Gerhard LUTHER
  FSt. Zukunftsenergie (FZE)
Technische Physik - Bau E26
  Universität  des Saarlandes
D-66041 Saarbrücken
EU - Germany
Tel.: (49) 0681-302-2737     home office: 0681-56310
Fax: (49) 0681-302-4676
luther.gerhard at vdi.de , aber nicht mehr lange
homepage: http://www.uni-saarland.de/fak7/fze/

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