[TRNSYS-users] Thermal Bridge Effect in TRNBuild

Yoshinaga Mika yoshi at meijo-u.ac.jp
Sun Nov 6 20:10:14 PST 2011

Dear All,

I'm trying to simulate a RC building with thermal bridge effect and face
some problems. 
1.	The new wall type manager requests the resistance as massless layer
in hmK/kJ, but the layer type manager shows the same value in hm2K/kJ. Which
is right?
2.	The manual p.5-125 says user should input the length of the
coldbridge, but the place on the zone window is gray-out and I can't input
the value (it already has a value somehow).
3.	In principal, thermal bridge wall seems to be a massless wall. My
building has high thermal capacity and I want to model the transient
conditions. How should I model that?
Thanks in advance!


Mika Yoshinaga
Meijo University, Nagoya, Japan

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