[TRNSYS-users] TRNSYS Message 441 with Type 56 and Type 921

Nils Nikolai nnikolai at umd.edu
Mon Nov 7 13:35:30 PST 2011

Dear All,

I am trying to connect a Type 921 Air Condition unit with the 
ventilation slot of a Type 56 House and I get the following error 
message even though Type 921 is not directly connected to Type 56. These 
two units are connected via an equation unit to split the airflow for 
the different zone and to mix the air stream with some other devices:

Warning at time       :      3281.000000
     Generated by Unit     : Not applicable or not available
     Generated by Type     : Not applicable or not available
     TRNSYS Message    441 : The inputs to the listed units have not 
converged at this timestep. The values at the last iteration will be 
used and the simulation will proceed.
     Reported information  : UNITS: 45  56

The simulation stops due to the maximum amount of warnings allowed per 
simulation (Message 450).

I tried to exchange Type 921 with some other air condition units like 
Type 651 but the error stays the same.

When i narrow the problem down, the error doesn't occur anymore when I 
disconnect one airflow to one specific zone. How could that be?

Thank you for your help,

Nils Nikolai

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