[TRNSYS-users] Questions about Type 194 and Type 665

David BRADLEY d.bradley at tess-inc.com
Tue Mar 15 07:55:36 PDT 2011

   Those PF parameters proved difficult to solve but here are the 
recommended values that you can use for the Type194 parameters.

R_sh_ref=34.64 [ohm]
a_ref=0.451 [V]
I_L_ref=7.63 [A]
I_o_ref=1.444E-20 [A]
R_s_ref=0.346 [ohm]

Kind regards,

On 3/14/2011 16:02, David BRADLEY wrote:
> Guangzhao
> My apologies for the delay, I am still working on trying to get the 
> parameters for your PV module generated. While Type194 is the 
> preferred model, you could use Type94 for the time being.
>   As for the mode parameter in Type194, you don't need to worry about 
> it. For a time, we were adding an extra "mode" parameter to all new 
> Types that we wrote just in case we needed it in the future so that we 
> wouldn't run into backwards compatibility problems. Type194 only has 
> one mode.
>   Lastly, the voltage of your PV array and the voltage of your battery 
> bank typically need to match each other. A battery charge controller 
> can handle some differences but the idea is usually that you want your 
> DC PV array to run at a voltage that is a bit higher than the battery 
> bank voltage so that it can be used to charge the batteries without a 
> step-down voltage converter. The number of cells within a PV module 
> obviously can't be changed. However, the number of modules that you 
> connect in series and parallel can be. Your PV array will run at 
> multiples of about 17.5V, which is about normal for charging a 12V 
> battery system I would think. If you have PVs in series, you would 
> need to also have batteries in series as well.
> Kind regards,
>  David
> On 3/14/2011 08:21, lvguangzhao wrote:
>> Hello,David,I urgently want to get your help.
>> Following are the parameters I missed.
>> Temperature coefficient of short circuit current = 0.0010 [1/k]
>> Temperature coefficient of open circuit voltage = -0.0038 [v/k]
>> It's a mono-silicon based panel. All of the parameters I sent to you 
>> are from the product manual. The test result of open circuit 
>> voltage also matches that value.
>> I also want to know which type I should use, type194 or type194b? The 
>> parameters of Type194b's seem can be changed. But a message " 
>> Only mode 1 has been implemented, mode 2 was 
>> created for future updates" is showed in mode card. I'm not sure 
>> whether it has been implemented now.
>> I have another question about the capacity of a battery bank. The 
>> capacity of a battery bank will not vary with the number of cells in 
>> series. So if it means that the cell capacity should vary with the 
>> number of cells in series?
>> Best regards!
>> 2011-03-13
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Guangzhao Lv
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *???:* David BRADLEY
>> *????:* 2011-03-09  03:24:00
>> *???:* lvguangzhao
>> *??:* trnsys-users
>> *??:* Re: [TRNSYS-users] Questions about Type 194 and Type 665
>> Guangzhao,
>>   I also need to know the temperature coefficient of short circuit 
>> current and the temperature coefficient of open circuit voltage. Both 
>> of these should be listed on the manufacturer's data sheet. Also, is 
>> this a silicon-based panel or some other material? The reason I ask 
>> is that silicon cells typically run at about 0.5V per cell so 36 in 
>> series would have an open cell voltage more like 18V than 21.5V. Its 
>> not impossible of course.
>> Kind regards,
>>  David
>> On 3/8/2011 05:21, lvguangzhao wrote:
>>> Hello, David, thank you very much for your reply.Attached are my 
>>> project.Following are the parameters that I am trying to enter into 
>>> the EES.
>>> Number of cells in series within a module = 36
>>> Open circuit voltage at reference conditions = 21.5 V
>>> Short ciecuit current at reference conditions = 7.55 amp
>>> Max. power voltage at reference conditions = 17.5 V
>>> Max. power current at reference conditions = 6.86 amp
>>> Module area = 0.92m2
>>> I also have tryed to change some parameters in EXAMPLE.VAR in the 
>>> folder of Type194 ,but I didn't know what to correct.
>>> Thank you in advance !
>>> 2011-03-08
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Guangzhao Lv
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> *???:* David BRADLEY
>>> *????:* 2011-03-02  23:04:11
>>> *???:* lvguangzhao
>>> *??:* trnsys-users
>>> *??:* Re: [TRNSYS-users] Questions about Type 194 and Type 665
>>> Guangzhao,
>>>   Could you please send me an email containing the parameters that 
>>> you are entering into the EES plugin for Type194? I have run into 
>>> some similar problems in the past and may be able to help solve this 
>>> one. It sounds from what you describe as though the problem is in 
>>> launching the plugin, not actually in having the plugin solve so 
>>> perhaps you only need to send me the Trnsys Studio project that 
>>> causes the error.
>>> Kind regards,
>>>  David
>>> On 3/1/2011 00:47, lvguangzhao wrote:
>>>> Hello, I have two questions to ask.
>>>> 1. I encountered a problem when I was trying to change the 
>>>> parameters of Type 194 using EES. A error "Missing user function or 
>>>> improper format for Call statement" was showed after I clicked on 
>>>> the icon on the parameter card. What's wrong with it?
>>>> 2. A convertible frequency air source heat pump is needed in my 
>>>> model but I can't find one in TRNSYS. Is Type 665 Ok?
>>>> 2011-03-01
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Guangzhao Lv
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>>>> TRNSYS-users mailing list
>>>> TRNSYS-users at cae.wisc.edu
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>>> -- 
>>> ***************************
>>> David BRADLEY
>>> Principal
>>> Thermal Energy Systems Specialists, LLC
>>> 22 North Carroll Street - suite 370
>>> Madison, WI  53703 USA
>>> P:+1.608.274.2577
>>> F:+1.608.278.1475
>>> d.bradley at tess-inc.com
>>> http://www.tess-inc.com
>>> http://www.trnsys.com
>> -- 
>> ***************************
>> David BRADLEY
>> Principal
>> Thermal Energy Systems Specialists, LLC
>> 22 North Carroll Street - suite 370
>> Madison, WI  53703 USA
>> P:+1.608.274.2577
>> F:+1.608.278.1475
>> d.bradley at tess-inc.com
>> http://www.tess-inc.com
>> http://www.trnsys.com
> -- 
> ***************************
> Principal
> Thermal Energy Systems Specialists, LLC
> 22 North Carroll Street - suite 370
> Madison, WI  53703 USA
> P:+1.608.274.2577
> F:+1.608.278.1475
> d.bradley at tess-inc.com
> http://www.tess-inc.com
> http://www.trnsys.com

Thermal Energy Systems Specialists, LLC
22 North Carroll Street - suite 370
Madison, WI  53703 USA

d.bradley at tess-inc.com


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