[TRNSYS-users] No Symbols loaded - IVF

Farah Gammoh farah.gammoh at industrial-solar.de
Tue Jun 28 02:14:05 PDT 2011


I am trying to debug a new type in VS2005. I have already managed to do 
this before and it worked. Now when adding a new project to the same 
solution for the new type, setting the linker to debug and generate a 
pdb, IVF does not seem to find the pdb file to load the symbols. First I 
get the message that TRNExe.exe does not have debug information, then 
when i continue debugging nonetheless and try to load the symbols 
manually from the Modules window, I receive a message saying the pdb 
file does not match the module.

Does anyone have experience with this?

I know this is a VS question, but maybe someone has already encountered 


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