[TRNSYS-users] maximum number of parameters allowed by TRNSYS

Igor Grujic igor.g at gmx.at
Tue Jun 21 02:52:19 PDT 2011

Dear TRNSYS-users

The Project I’m actually working on has gotten lots more components that I thought.
The Problem is that when I try to simulate it I get this error:
“The total number of PARAMETERS in the entire simulation has exceeded the maximum number of parameters allowed by TRNSYS”

I changed the parameter "nmaxParameters" in the file "TrnsysConstants.f90" from 2000 to 5000. 
Now I have to recompile the "Ivf90-Mvs2003.sln", but Visual Studio 2005 is not able to open the *.vfproj files because I don’t have any fortran compiler on my pc.

Is it possible to recompile the .solution without a fortran-compiler??

Kind regards,

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