[TRNSYS-users] Number New Component

Oswaldo Hidalgo Barrientos ohidalgob at correo.udistrital.edu.co
Thu Jul 14 13:59:08 PDT 2011

dear all

I have two question.

1. I'm developing a new component which i hope to can release soon for you
know, use and test.  I have in mind several possible Type numbers "177, 834,
843, 877", I read in TRNSYS manual that "Type151 – 200 : reserved for user
written components and Type801 – Type999: not reserved", but ¿how do i know
which number is valid? or ¿what number is not reserved? and ¿which number is

2. My second and last question is the next: In my new component it use
variables of heat and mass per time with units kJ/hr, kg/hr and mol/hr
respectively. In the input file of TRNSYS the users can set the simulation
time in seconds, minutes, hours, days.does this affects the operation of my
component? Namely, if the user wish set your simulation time en second, or
min or day that they are units different to hour (which is time unit of
variables in my component), does the behavior of my component will not
change? or ¿do I have to do something to correct this?

Thanks for any info you can give me

Oswaldo Hidalgo B.
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