[TRNSYS-users] error saving file in TRNBuild

Simon Binnemans simon.binnemans at khk.be
Wed Jan 12 05:56:56 PST 2011

Dear TRNSYS-Users,

I created a building with 98 different zones in sketchup 7.0 and with 
the transis3d plug-in I created a .idf file from this building.
When I import this .idf file in TRNBuild 2.0, no error occures and 
everything looks fine. But then when I want to save this file in 
TRNBuild, I always get the following error:

run-time error M6201: MATH
- sqrt: DOMAIN error
Image		PC		Routine		Line		Source
gentrn.dll	10117E79	Unknown		Unknown		Unknown

Now I can only pres OK and then TRNBuild closes.

I tried deleting some zone's but it still generates the same error.
Does someone know how to fix this?

Thank you in advance for your answer!

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