[TRNSYS-users] Use of variable names from equations as input (string) to Types

Angela Dröscher angela.droescher at tugraz.at
Wed Aug 31 09:24:02 PDT 2011

Dear Trnsys-users,

we just found out some surprising behaviour with the use of variable names, equations and the control-cards - maybe someone else already wondered about that:
# Working fine: If you define variables in an equation in the studio, you can use these variable names (as strings) as inputs - both for parameters and inputs - to other Types.
# Working unexpectedly: If you define variables in an equation in the control cards, the use as parameters for other Types works fine, however, for inputs to other Types the variable names are only identified as initial values but the respective connection in the deck file is "0,0". Defining the connection directly in the deck-file works but is of course unfeasible if you are working with the studio...

Seems to be a bug in the deck writing routine?

Best regards,
Angela Dröscher & Andreas Heinz

Graz University of Technology
Institute of Thermal Engineering
Inffeldgasse 25/B, A-8010 Graz, Austria
Tel.: (+43) 316 873 7307
Fax: (+43) 316 873 7305

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