Oswaldo Hidalgo Barrientos ohidalgob at correo.udistrital.edu.co
Wed Aug 24 12:17:57 PDT 2011

Hi Christiana and users, thanks so much

Really, i dont know if target machines, have the microsoft VC++ redist pack
libs installed or updated...I will check...
but i have other question with the above, does this is without regardless if
my new component was developed in Compac Visual Fortran 6?....also I have
the problem that target machines are conected from a  internal network and
are managed  by a server machine....do should copy the new component (dll
and proforms) in the server machine or in every target machine?



2011/8/23 Christian Glück <christian.glueck at kit.edu>

> **
> Hi Oswaldo,
> do you have the Micro$oft VC++ redist pack libs installed on the target
> computer?
> I've had a similar problem once, it's here: http<https://mailman.cae.wisc.edu/pipermail/trnsys-users/2010/005826.html>
> s://mailman.cae.wisc.edu/pipermail/trnsys-users/2010/005826.html<https://mailman.cae.wisc.edu/pipermail/trnsys-users/2010/005826.html>
> Maybe that's it.
> Regards,
> Christian
> On 08/23/2011 07:00 PM, trnsys-users-request at cae.wisc.edu wrote:
> Dear all.
>  I am trying copy in other computers a new component developed in my
> laptop ...I copy the file ".dll" in /trnsys17/userlib/ReleaseDLLS and the
> files ".tmf" (proforma) to copy in trnsys17/studio/proformas/new
> folder.....anyway, I do all this stuff....once
>  open the simulation studio in new computer, the new component is show in
> the tree of components, no problem until then, but inmediatly when I try
> move the new component of tree to space work of simulation studio or I do
> double click under Type the Trnsys is closes.
> Really I dont know what happen...I can understand that the new component
> does not work, but which trnsys closes automatically?
> in all my pc, trnsys is with license.
>  i have three question.
> 1. What I can do?
> 2. Does It creates some link between the computer and my pc when is
> develope the proforma, export to fortran, compile and build ".dll"?
> 3. How i can limit the copy of my new component to a certain number of pc
> with the userID? or What I can do to that my new component be of free copy?
>  thanks all
>  Oswaldo.
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