[TRNSYS-users] TRNSYS17 IVF111 - building solution (mytype+trndll)

CHEZE David 227480 david.cheze at cea.fr
Thu Aug 11 05:00:57 PDT 2011


I'm puzzling while trying to build whole solution from latest ivf111 directory provided in the last TRNSYS17.0019 installation, building dlls that can run my projects (some build looks correct while failing to run TRNSYS project).

I need to build trndll because of user types running in legacy mode and I need to build mytype including sourcode of all of my more recent user types.
Because some of mytype's types have to access data file referenced by an assign statement in my decks, mytype and trndll have to be build with the same runtime library (and same version release/debug) : in the ivf101 solution for mytype provided on trnsys website, runtime library is 'multithreaded dll' while it is 'multithreaded' only in ivf111 directory from the latest installation of TRNSYS17 and both are different from what is said about that for ivf in the latest TRNSYS programmer guide... it's not so clear also about the ignored libraries...

Please can you confirm what is the right configuration of the solution, both for trndll and mytype


David Chèze

tel. 0479601437 - INES, CEA/Leth  - Le Bourget du Lac (73), FRANCE - bât. PUMA3 bur. 204
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