[TRNSYS-users] genopt
Jochen Doell
jochen.doell at ise.fraunhofer.de
Tue Aug 2 00:54:33 PDT 2011
Hello Johannes,
Well, Genopt tries to optimize the cost function. This means, it tries
to get the lowest possible value for "Ppumpe_eff" by varying "factor".
Looking at the equation "Ppumpe_eff = Phydr/0.25*factor", you do not
need Genopt to get a result...
I assume you have set the lower boundary for "factor" to 0. So this is
the correct value to get the "optimal", i.e. minimal value for
"Ppumpe_eff" (0, too).
Christian was not completely wrong with his assumption about the
one-dimensional optimization: Though Genopt algorithms can be applied,
it usually is not necessary to use an optimizer. You need an optimizer
if you have more than one variable which have conflictive influence on
your result; or if you have one variable of unknown or difficult to
mathematically express influence (e.g. the influence of the heat storage
volume on the annuity of a solar dhw system: too small --> high aux
energy consumption, too big --> high investment).
Best regards,
Am 20:59, schrieb Gantner:
> Dear all,
> I am trying to use Genopt in order to optimize the massflow of a
> heatpump.
> Everything works out well and Genopt is calculating. But the result
> after every
> Simulation step is “0.00”. At the end the optimum is the input value.
> First I thought
> the problem is that the cost function is not depending on the variables
> so I tried
> a equation like this:
> Ppumpe_eff = Phydr/0.25*factor
> Where “factor” is the only variable. But still the result after the
> different simulations
> Is “0.00” and the optimum is the input value.
> Does anyone know what is my mistake?
> Would really appreciate your help.
> Thanks in advance,
> Best,
> Johannes Gantner
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Jochen Döll
Division Thermal Systems and Buildings
Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE
Heidenhofstrasse 2, 79110 Freiburg, Germany
Phone: +49 (761) 4588-5468 Fax: +49 (761) 4588-9000
jochen.doell at ise.fraunhofer.de
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