[TRNSYS-users] TRNSYS3D Question

Matt Duffy duffy at tess-inc.com
Wed Apr 6 13:43:00 PDT 2011

Hello Devin,I vaguely remember trying this once and having some minor issue. My issue was that I specified the zone name in the incorrect place in the Type125 proforma. Please make sure that it is specified in the ‘Value’ and NOT the ‘Name’ column.  Again, please realize that this is simply for the graphical display in sketchup. If you would rather output hourly data, simply do that with the Type25 printer.  To respond to your second issue, when you save your TRNSYS3D *.idf file in TRNSYS3D, it does indeed save it as a *.idf (please note sometimes you manually have to write the *.idf extention). To implement the TRNSYS Building file (*.b17) in TRNSYS, the *.idf needs to be imported and translated to a *.b17 by a small application. You can either do this from the Studio as you did, or you can do this from TRNBuild. Thus, nothing wrong with the message.Best regards,Matt Duffy   ----- Original Message -----From: "Devin Rohan" >;drohan at purdue.ed!
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