[TRNSYS-users] Problems with evacuated collectors and Type 15-3

xi chen climber027 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 27 19:59:04 PDT 2010

Dear all:

I have encountered another problem when using Type-71 (or Type-538)
with weather data reader Type 15-3. I simulated the performance of the
evacuated collector lasting for one year and the simulation stoped due
to the following warnings: " Generated by Type 15; TRNSYS Message 33:
An inconsistent connection has been defined in the TRNSYS input file.
The desired units for the input do not match the units of the
connected output as specified in the component model." and "Generated
by Type: 15; Message: The calculated value of the beam radiation
exceeded the maximum possible beam radiation for this timestep.  The
beam radiation has been set to the extraterrestrial radiation for this
timestep." The number of warnings exceeded the upper limit and thus
stoped my simulation project.

I failed to find any problems related to the units and really have no
idea about how the beam radiation exceeds the maximum possible value
for a timestep. I wonder who could tell me the way to solve such
warnings. The weather data I used is attached.


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