[TRNSYS-users] Active layer for internal zones

Adrien JEZEQUEL - ITF a.jezequel at itf.biz
Mon Sep 13 02:03:50 PDT 2010

Dear Heloise,

To define your active layer applied in an internal wall, you have to 
change wall category from INTERNAL to ADJACENT of the same thermal zone.

For example:
You have an INTFLOOR defined as INTERNAL in "ZoneA" without active Layer 
: ZoneA - INTFLOOR Internal
You put an active layer to INTFLOOR.
Then you change your INTFLOOR from INTERNAL to ADJACENT to zone "ZoneA".
With an active layer, it's possible to define an adjacent wall into the 
same thermal zone (that the same with chilled ceiling layer) : ZoneA - 
INTFLOOR (with active Layer) Adjacent to "ZoneA"

Best regards
www.itf.biz <http://www.itf.biz>
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Le 09/09/2010 18:21, Heloise PELEN a écrit :
> Hello,
> I would like to model a building with different thermal zones, heated 
> by a radiative floor and ceiling. Some of my zones include more than 
> one floor (first to third floor of my building for example).
> I wanted to use the active layer to model this system : it works very 
> well between two thermal zones but cannot be use in an internal layer. 
> Hence, I cannot use it to model a radiative floor between the first 
> and second floor of my building because there are both in the same 
> thermal zone.
> - I would like to understand why the active layer wasn't designed to 
> be use in an internal layer.
> - Is there another way to model this system, using the same thermal 
> zones ?
> Thanks a lot for your answers.
> *Héloïse Pelen*
> *etamine_mail*
> heloise.pelen at etamine.coop <mailto:heloise.pelen at etamine.coop>
> 75 rue de la Villette - 69003 Lyon
> Std : 04 37 45 34 20 / Fax : 04 37 45 41 38
> Ld : 04 37 45 34 13
> Visitez notre site web : www.etamine.coop !
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