[TRNSYS-users] Determination of heat tranfer rate of walls in Type56

tommaso.toppi at polimi.it tommaso.toppi at polimi.it
Tue Oct 5 00:42:54 PDT 2010

I'm trying to obtain the heat transfer coefficient, so the problem is similar.
I tried with QCOMI for a surface and dividing it by the temperature  
difference between the surface and the star node, but I found  
non-physical results.

Is there any heat flux I have to subtract to QCOMI before?
What about QABSI? (QCOMI - QABSI) shouldn't be the convective heat flux?

Thank you

Tommaso Toppi

Def. Quota Matt Duffy <duffy at tess-inc.com>:

> Did you try QCOMO or the QCOMI NType outputs yet?
> Best regards
> Matt Duffy
> Thermal Energy Systems Specialists
> Sent from my mobile wireless device. Please excuse any typos.
> On Oct 4, 2010, at 6:56 AM, a8304506 at graduate.hku.hk wrote:
>> Hello, everyone.
>> I want to calculate the heat transfer rate through particular walls  
>> in Type56.
>> I have tried to output the NTYPE82 (wall gain) but the value is always zero.
>> Can anyone advise which other output should I use?  Thank you!
>> Best Regards
>> LEE, Chun Kwong
>> Division of Building Science and Technology
>> City University of Hong Kong
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