[TRNSYS-users] Electricity load scheduling for a household.

Elias Sasati elias.sasati at gmail.com
Sat Oct 2 11:38:30 PDT 2010

Dear TRNSYS users,

Estimating the electricity demand for a household only by using TRNBuild
Schedule Type Manager and also use fixed values for Gains from electrical
devises, you will not achive real results.

By adding a value of "2" for 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. every day for lights and
increase that value for weekends in the schedule isn't real world example.
Kitchen won't be used everyday at the same time for one hour and
refrigerator starts and stops depending on the use. OK 8 a.m. to 6p.m. there
is almost no use of electricity (only refrigerator is on, usually) for
workdays but after 6p.m. when people go to their home after work and
children come back from school, there is a greater demand for power.

So is there a way to use random values within a range with Studio, so that
the load of the generator won't be the same all the time and the gains of a
zone won't be fixed and repeated every day ?

By the way, I know it's beyond TRNSYS program this question, but does anyone
knows how do they calculate or estimate the electrical load for a household
(Load diversity factor) ? Maybe like "Erlang B formula" for

Thank you for your time,

Elias Sasati
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