[TRNSYS-users] Problems in newly created workspace for the components

a8304506 at graduate.hku.hk a8304506 at graduate.hku.hk
Wed Nov 10 18:10:02 PST 2010

Hello, everyone.

When I followed the usual procedure (open the component file in Trnsys and
export as Fortran) to create the workspace for my own component and built the
dll in CVF, I got a problem.  The folder "External Dependencies" containing the
TrnsysConstants.mod and TrnsysFunctions.mod was missing in the workspace, which
resulted in some errors when I compiled the file.  Can anyone advise how I can
add the missed folder back to the workspace?  Thank you!

Best Regards
LEE, Chun Kwong
City University of Hong Kong

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