[TRNSYS-users] GenOpt optimization: problem for the secondgeneration after 5 simulations

Timothy McDowell mcdowell at tess-inc.com
Wed Nov 3 05:23:05 PDT 2010

This type of error in GenOpt is usually caused by an error in the TRNSYS
simulation.  You need to check the *.lst file for the TRNSYS run to see
what the TRNSYS error is.



Timothy McDowell
Executive Vice President
Thermal Energy System Specialists, LLC
22 N. Carroll St, Suite 370
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608-274-2577
Fax: 608-278-1475

----- Original Message -----
From: "Thibaut VITTE" <thibaut.vitte at h3c-energies.fr>
Sent: Wed, November 3, 2010 5:27
Subject:Re: [TRNSYS-users] GenOpt optimization: problem for the
secondgeneration after 5 simulations

    Dear Alexis,

    I've had a similar error when I used Genopt. I've had several
    components tracked by a "trace" command that made my list file
    enormous (more than 100Mb) and genopt could'nt handle that amount of

    Just my 2cents.


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                  Le futur maîtrisé

              Thibaut VITTE
              Docteur - Ingénieur Energies
              Mail : thibaut.vitte at h3c-energies.fr

              35, chemin du vieux Chêne - 38240 MEYLAN
              Tél : 04 76 41 88 66 – Fax : 04 76 41 28

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