[TRNSYS-users] NBDM file

Alain Guiavarch alain.guiavarch at mines-paristech.fr
Tue May 18 06:23:53 PDT 2010


I use TRNSYS 16, and I downloaded the zip file (in which I guess I can 
find BuiXml) to convert NBDM files into Trnsys files.
But there is a password to unzip.

Did anybody try to use BuiXml ?

Thanks a lot,

Alain Guiavarch
Ingénieur de Recherche - Responsable de projets
Centre Energétique et Procédés
Mines ParisTech - ARMINES
5, rue Léon Blum
91120 Palaiseau
tél     +33 1 69 19 17 01 / 1 40 51 91 58
Fax     +33 1 69 19 45 01
mail    alain.guiavarch at mines-paristech.fr
web	http://www-cep.ensmp.fr/

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