[TRNSYS-users] (no subject)
David Bradley
bradley at tess-inc.com
Mon May 3 08:06:53 PDT 2010
I assume that you are using Type56; bear in mind that the Type56
building model is much more complex than a simple u-value multiplied by
the building area. If you want an idea of the u-value for a particular
wall, you can look at the wall type manager. The value reported there
assumes constant inner and outer convection and radiation coefficients.
You can get the total (static) UA for a zone using NTYPE27. When the
simulation is running, the inside and outside coefficients are changing
with time and you should look to the energy gain/loss NTYPEs for
specific surfaces to get those values.
On 5/3/2010 04:55, salim mokraoui wrote:
> Dear all,
> I want to get back the U-value of a building (W/m2.K), is there any
> way for this purpose ?
> Best regards
> Faculté des sciences de Nancy - LERMAB
> BP 239
> 54506 Vandoeuvre.
> Tél 03 83 68 48 47 - mél salim.mokraoui at lermab.uhp-nancy.fr
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