[TRNSYS-users] FW: Interoperability between TRNSYS and ESP-r: A request for proposals

Ferguson, Alex Alex.Ferguson at NRCan-RNCan.gc.ca
Fri Jul 30 07:07:23 PDT 2010

Natural Resources Canada is currently seeking proposals to develop
interoperability between the ESP-r and TRNSYS simulation software
suites. This work will enable time-step coupled simulations between the
two programs, and provide functionality that will eventually be
distributed in their publically-available versions. 


This tender is open to North American suppliers. You can learn more and
request the complete RFP at the following address, or by searching for
the reference number (	201758) within the MERX Canadian Public Tenders
service (http://www.merx.com <http://www.merx.com/> ) 	: 


Alex Ferguson
Housing, Buildings and Communities Group
Natural Resources Canada
P:+1 613 995 3294
F:+1 613 996 9909
Alex.Ferguson at NRCan-RNCan.gc.ca

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