[TRNSYS-users] Desiccant Cooling

Thibaut VITTE thibaut.vitte at h3c-energies.fr
Mon Jul 26 02:49:30 PDT 2010

Dear Julie,

You can find in the Tess librabry some useful HVAC types, e.g. 
humidifiers, fans or heat exchangers.
But these can be handled with a simple equation, it depends on the 
precision level you want (Steady state?, constant effectiveness?...)
As far as the desiccant wheel, it seems to me that it is the same than 
the one avalaible in the free library in the trnsys website.
It is a valuable model, but the efficiencies asked as parameters are 
never given by manufacturers. So it makes it difficult to initialise.


[TRNSYS-users] Dessicant Cooling
De :
Julie Lestrade <lestrade.julie at cedre-sophia.com>
Date :
Mon, 26 Jul 2010 05:10:42 -0400 (EDT)

Pour :
"trnsys-users at cae.wisc.edu" <trnsys-users at cae.wisc.edu>

Dear Trnsys Users,

I was wondering if anyone has been trying to simulate a dessicant 
cooling installation ? Is there any tool very useful in the TESS library 
(I don't have access to a lot yet, since I could manage without them but 
who knows ...)

thank you for any feedbacks on that subject,

Best regards,
Ingénieur d'études

*Ophira 1, 1 Place Bermond
Tel : 04 92 96 03 77
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