[TRNSYS-users] Re : Problem with windows lib

Damien Palacios pseudomino at rocketmail.com
Thu Jul 22 14:48:16 PDT 2010

Thanks a lot,

I just need some confirmation.
What is (or what are) the u-value used by TRNSYS ? 
Because if I change the value in "Cond(W/m2-C     )", I don't see the value 
changing in TRNBuild window type manager. 

In fact, if I am right, this value refers to this one :

Overall and Center of Glass Ig U-values (W/m2-C)
Outdoor Temperature                 -17.8 C      15.6 C      26.7 C      37.8 C
Solar      WdSpd  hcout hrout  hin
(W/m2)     (m/s)     (W/m2-C)
   0        0.00  12.25  3.30  7.89  2.59 2.59  2.67 2.67  2.74 2.74  2.97 2.97 
   0        6.71  25.47  3.24  7.93  2.80 2.80  2.87 2.87  2,95 2.95  3.21 3.21 
 783        0.00  12.25  3.38  7.61  2.61 2.61  2.78 2.78  2.96 2.96  3.10 3.10 
 783        6.71  25.47  3.29  7.72  2.83 2.83  2.95 2.95  3.17 3.17  3.33 3.33

And could you please tell me if these data in the end of file are just 
indicative ?
*WinID  Description   Aufbau   U-Value  g-value  T-sol   Rf-sol   T-vis  
1001 Simple_Vitrage         4               5.8    0.870    0.850    0.075   
2001 Double_Vitrage   2.5/12.7/2.5   2.7    0.777    0.727    0.129   0.817
( By the way, is there a description somewhere of the content, the units and the 
use of the W4-lib.dat files ?
Just to be able to know more things without asking so much questions! )

Thanks again,

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