[TRNSYS-users] Problem with windows lib

Damien Palacios pseudomino at rocketmail.com
Wed Jul 21 03:36:18 PDT 2010


TRNSYS returns be plenty of these errors in listing result file :

winlib reader: incorrect selectivity of visual+solar transmission caused a 
negative value for nonvisual Transmission Tra_ang_nonvis =   -0.045 for 
Window-ID       4202 at an angle of   30 ° Tra_ang_nonvis is set to 0 for this 

I use the library
C:\Program Files\Trnsys16\Building\Lib\Basic\W4-lib.dat

Actually, I would need a window with a u-value of 0.1 kJ/h/m²/K , and because 
there are not such window, I use the smallest value : 0.4.
But for each of the windows with this value, I have the same error.

Can you help me? At least to know why does this message appears?

Note: the issue is the same if I try in American\W4-lib.dat, 

Have a nice day!

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