[TRNSYS-users] Water Water Heat Pump 668 don´t work with the data file

Besana Francesco Francesco.Besana at eurac.edu
Thu Jul 15 01:20:01 PDT 2010

Dear Heike,

You have to put 9 instead of 7 as performance figure values... as my shy colleague said.

Good Luck



From: Heike Huber-Fauland [mailto:heike.huber-fauland at tuwien.ac.at] 
Sent: 15 July 2010 10:13
To: trnsys-users at cae.wisc.edu
Subject: [TRNSYS-users] Water Water Heat Pump 668 don´t work with the data file


Dear all,


I work with type668 water-water heat pump. 

I create a new heating performance file, with producer datas, in the same format/layout like the example.

The number of temperatures (source/ load) in parameters  is set to the numbers in the file, but it don´t work.

( I only need the heating mode)


Generated by Type     :   668

TRNSYS Message    109 : Error reading data stored in logical unit. 

NOTE: the reported logical unit number may be automatically or internally ASSIGNed, or you may have specified the incorrect number of independent variables.


For me it seems filled out correct and I don´t find the problem.

Any idea?


Thanks in advance




Dipl-Ing. Heike Huber-Fauland


Technische Universität Wien

Institut für Energietechnik und Thermodynamik


Getreidemarkt 9/302

1060 Wien

Tel: (+43-1) 58801-30217

Fax: (+43-1) 58801-30299

Email: heike.huber-fauland at tuwien.ac.at <mailto:heike.huber-fauland at tuwien.ac.at> 

WWW:   http://www.ite.tuwien.ac.at <http://www.ite.tuwien.ac.at> 



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