[TRNSYS-users] (no subject)

salim mokraoui salim.mokraoui at lermab.uhp-nancy.fr
Tue Jul 6 02:57:29 PDT 2010

Dear all,


I’m simulating a 5 zone building using a PID controller for each zone
(temperature control). The parameters of PID (type 23) are predetermined and
work well with another example (1 zone building). With the 5 zone building
the simulation stops after 1 hour and the error message says: zone 5 surface
47 pane temperature out of bounds at time 1.

How to overcome this problem ?



Faculté des sciences de Nancy - LERMAB

BP 239

54506 Vandoeuvre.

Tél 03 83 68 48 47 - mél salim.mokraoui at lermab.uhp-nancy.fr


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