[TRNSYS-users] Invalid floating point operation: strangebehaviour

keilholz, werner werner.keilholz at cstb.fr
Tue Feb 9 02:36:26 PST 2010



If your Dll goes directly to Userlib, you probably have a quite old Trnsys16 version -> you should update to the latest Trnsys 16 (its free).

Is there a directory called ReleaseDlls in Userlib? If so, it is a recent version and your Dll goes there. 


The exception in TRNExe may still be triggered by your type - typically by delivering invalid values. You should 

Assembly/Control cards/ Debug mode = true (variable 9) when making the deck with Studio. 

This adds "NAN_CHECK 1" and "OVERWRITE_CHECK 1" to the deck to catch these error (and show the variables which cause them).

Again, this is not available in older versions of Trnsys - if you don't have it you should definitely update.




De : Matteo DF [mailto:deframat at gmail.com] 
Envoyé : mardi 9 février 2010 11:25
À : trnsys-users at cae.wisc.edu
Objet : Re: [TRNSYS-users] Invalid floating point operation: strangebehaviour


Dear Werner,
thank for your explaination... First of all I have to say that there are some little differences, for example my \Trnsys16\UserDlls\ folder is called \Trnsys16\UserLib and I'm generating direclty there the dll... Anyway I don't think this is the problem...

When I start the debug, Trnsys starts and stops exaclty at the same point giving the same error (invalid floating ...). Anyway in CVF I'm not able to see the line where the problem occurs. In the message area, I get some errors saying: "First-Chance exception in TRNExe.exe: 0xC0000090: Float Invalid Operation" followed by "The trhead 0x99C has exited with code 0 (0x0)". So I'm not able to see the line where the problem happens...

Does this means that the error is not caused by my type but somewhere else or I'm doing wrong my debug?

Thanks again!

PS: Laurent, my variables are declared as real under trnsys and double precision under CVF...

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