[TRNSYS-users] coupling of TRNSYS MATLAB

Jan Hoogmartens Jan.Hoogmartens at mech.kuleuven.be
Fri Feb 5 09:03:53 PST 2010


I am trying to couple TRNYS with MATLAB.  I installed TRNSYS 16.0 en Matlab 2007 on my computer. The examples for this coumpling given by the trnsys software are working perfect. My problem occures when I want to use the matlab code as an controller (parameter 4 is set to 10).

In TRNSYS, I want to control a ground coupled heat pymp (type 668) with a building (type 56). Based on the return temperature of the active layers of my building model, matlab has to send a control signal to the heat pump.

Parameter 4 from type 155 is set to 10. So the m-file is only called after convergence of onther components is reached. Based on the outdoor temperature, a heating curve and the return temperature of the active layers; an control signal must be send to the heat pump. This is not working in my code. Al the outputs are constant during the simulation time. The m-file reads the inputs correctly, but don't send an output signal. Do you have an idea what's the problem with the code?

Thanks in advance,


Ing. Jan Hoogmartens
Wetenschappelijk medewerker
Department of mechanical engineering
Division applied mechanics and energy conversion

Celestijnenlaan 300A bus 2421
3001 heverlee
tel: +32 16 32 25 08
fax: +32 16 32 29 85

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