[TRNSYS-users] question

keilholz, werner werner.keilholz at cstb.fr
Thu Feb 4 04:51:49 PST 2010

Dear Salim,


These inputs are used only if you check "Natural ventilation" in step 5 and "Cooling" in step 6.

They allow to control additional, temperature controlled ventilation (step 5) and the cooling setpoint (step 6).


I think you may not have the latest update of TRNSYS, as these variables CCONT_NAT is now called 'CNAT_'





De : salim mokraoui [mailto:salim.mokraoui at lermab.uhp-nancy.fr] 
Envoyé : jeudi 4 février 2010 12:05
À : trnsys-users at cae.wisc.edu
Objet : [TRNSYS-users] question


Dear Sir,


I'm new user of TrnSys. My question is : when creating a new multi-zone project with the building wizard, what does CCONT_NAT and T_COOL_ON inputs (created automatically) mean ?


Best regards

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