[TRNSYS-users] Kind request for a more "up-to-date" user forum

Christian Glück christian.glueck at kit.edu
Fri Apr 23 02:27:49 PDT 2010

Hi everyone,

I also figured a wiki would be best, because forums tend to arborize 
exactly as the mailing list archive, and discussions tend to go 
off-topic, maybe even more than with mailing lists. In wikis, the 
relevant information remains compact and can be edited by anyone who 
wants to contribute.
The only drawback with wikis is that information can be deleted 
intentionally or unintentionally by editing the pages. The 
operator/admin must then recover the content from the last version upon 
request. This does not apply for forums (users can only delete their own 
posts) or mailing lists (once the mail is sent, the info is spread, on a 
long-term basis, only the recipients and the mailing list operator can 
delete it).

I am going to support the wikibook as good as I can - thanks for setting 
it up !

Best regards,
Christian Glück

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
SRG Energie- und Gebäudetechnologie

Dipl.-Phys. Christian Glück
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Fachgebiet Strömungsmaschinen

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