[TRNSYS-users] Canadien well/ air-to soil heat exchanger

David Bradley bradley at tess-inc.com
Tue Apr 13 07:31:37 PDT 2010

 I would not recommend trying to use either Type31 or 556 if your 
working fluid is air because neither one of them is going to treat 
condensation properly. I have used Type460 on a number of occasions and 
once even got the chance to check results against measured data. The 
input parameter file is a bit complicated to set up the first time but I 
think the component gives good results.

Joke De Beuckelaer wrote:
> Dear trnsys-users,
> I want to model a canadien well or also called air-to soil heat 
> exchanger in Trnsys with the purpose to know the energy demand of my 
> building and to made an economical analysis.
> Is it correct that type31b or type 556 of the TESS library may be only 
> used for a water closed ground heat exchanger? And not when you are 
> working with air?
> What type should I otherwise use for the modelling? I also read 
> something about type 460 of Transsolar?
> Thanks in advance,
>   Joke De Beuckelaer   
>   project engineer
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Thermal Energy System Specialists (TESS), LLC 
David BRADLEY                      22 N. Carroll Street - Suite 370 
Partner                            Madison, WI 53703 
P: +1.608.274.2577 
F: +1.608.278.1475
E-mail: bradley at tess-inc.com 
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