[TRNSYS-users] Error in calling Matlab

Hal Gurgenci h.gurgenci at uq.edu.au
Thu Apr 8 19:41:10 PDT 2010

I have the same problem that Mehdi has.  I am running MATLAB R2009b and TRNSYS Simulation Studio Version and TRNSYS Version 16.01.0003.


Maybe we should all go back to FORTRANJ



H Gurgenci, +61 7 3365 3607,Rm:43-208, http://www.uq.edu.au/geothermal/gurgenci-blog


From: Jaime Gonzalez Rodriguez [mailto:gonzalezro.jaime at gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, 8 April 2010 10:44 PM
To: mahdi shahrestani
Cc: trnsys-users at cae.wisc.edu
Subject: Re: [TRNSYS-users] Error in calling Matlab


each version of trnsys supports a specific version of matlab, trnsys 16 probably supports matlab 2008 (I can't remember now), so that could be the problem. You can contact your trnsys supplier and ask about the right matlab version for you. If you think that you have a supported version of matlab installed you can check (as the error message says) whether or not you have Matlab's bin\win32 set in your search path (I think it is done automatically during matlab's installation)

On 8 April 2010 14:13, mahdi shahrestani <mahdishahrestani at yahoo.com> wrote:

Hello every body
I have a problem in calling Matlab .
When I want to run the "calling matlab" which is a predefined example of Trnsys, this error comes up.
Message  : Your input file uses Type 155 (Calling Matlab). "Type155.dll" was found but could not be loaded. Please make sure that a supported version of Matlab is installed and that Matlab's "bin\win32" folder is on Windows' search path
Matlab 2009a is instulled on my machine.
Could any body have a suggestion to solve it?
Many thanks for your time

TRNSYS-users mailing list
TRNSYS-users at cae.wisc.edu

Jaime. González Rodríguez

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