[TRNSYS-users] type15-6

Flore Marion fmarion at andrew.cmu.edu
Thu Apr 1 14:17:18 PDT 2010

Dear All,

I have TRNSYS 16 4.2 and the weather reader I have are type 109 and  201.
Unfortunately the project I would like to run was made with the type 
15-6 which I cannot find in my library
I tried to export the "type15.for" file from another computer  but it s 
still not working.

I think that I need to export the .dll but don t know where to find it ?

M I asking for something I m not legally allowed to do ? :P

thanks for your advice


Flore A Marion
Research Associate - LEED AP

MMCH,school of architecture
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

fmarion at andrew.cmu.edu

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