[TRNSYS-users] Tr : problem of fichier air in the Calling Contam Exemple

David Bradley bradley at tess-inc.com
Wed Sep 9 10:40:56 PDT 2009

 This is an interesting thing and I am not sure of the answer. I've 
never had such a problem but I must admit that I have never looked 
closely at the codes in the *.air file to make sure that they correspond 
to the output list. One thing you might do is to plot all of the output 
values and look at their magnitudes. Flows from one zone to another have 
the units of kg/h (it says kg/s in the CONTAM help file but this is not 
correct.) while flows to/from ambient have the units of airchanges per 
hour. I'll look at the code on my end and see if I can determine which 
is correct.
Kind regards,

Yujun TAO wrote:
> Freindly users,
> I want to contiue my question.
> The type Contam make me worried because a new model created in Contam 
> by myself give the same result. The outputs showed by the type Contam 
> in simulation studio didn't correspond to those outputs's ordre in the 
> file "air": 1->2, 1->3.
> Has someone found a solution?
> Aleck
> ----- Message transféré ----
> *De :* Yujun TAO <aleck1314 at yahoo.fr>
> *À :* TRNSYS USERS <trnsys-users at engr.wisc.edu>
> *Envoyé le :* Vendredi, 4 Septembre 2009, 16h52mn 15s
> *Objet :* [TRNSYS-users] problem of fichier air in the Calling Contam 
> Exemple
> Hello,
> I found an ambiguous explanation by Contam for the fichier air in the 
> Calling Contam Exemple.
> Here is the meaning about Output in Contam :
> One line for each output variable consisting of
>   I  NR      - output number (index to XOUT).
>   I  NZ      - number of zone the air flows from.
>   I  MZ      - number of zone the air flows to.
> Here is the Exemple about Output in the fichier air in the Calling 
> Contam Exemple :
> -999 inputs & outputs:
> 6 6
> 1 1 2
> 2 1 3
> 3 2 1
> 4 2 3
> 5 3 1
> 6 3 2
> -999 end-of-data
> ...
>        ********** AVAILABLE OUTPUTS **********
>          1     Flow from zone Foyer/GroundFloor to zone 
> MainZone/GroundFloor
>          2     Flow from zone Ambient to zone MainZone/GroundFloor
>          3     Flow from zone MainZone/GroundFloor to zone 
> Foyer/GroundFloor
>          4     Flow from zone Ambient to zone Foyer/GroundFloor
>          5     Flow from zone MainZone/GroundFloor to zone Ambient
>          6     Flow from zone Foyer/GroundFloor to zone Ambient
> If we look at Output 1 and 2, the number of zone the air flows from is 
> the same "1", but in the description "available outputs", the name is 
> different, Output 1 = flow from foyer to mainzone well Output 2 = flow 
> from ambient to mainzone.
> So, where is the problem? just the description or the model Contam?
> Aleck
> Engineer
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Thermal Energy System Specialists (TESS), LLC 
David BRADLEY                      22 N. Carroll Street - Suite 370 
Partner                            Madison, WI 53703 
P: +1.608.274.2577 
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