[TRNSYS-users] Heat pump?

Matt Duffy duffy at tess-inc.com
Mon Oct 19 11:00:18 PDT 2009

Dear Claudia,

I am not sure how confident I would be in Type20. I believe it is very old
and may be obsolete. Is there any chance you could use one of the TESS
models instead? If that is not an option, perhaps you could use the Type42

Best regards,


----- Original Message -----
From: "CLAUDIA GARCIA BLASQUEZ" <cgarciablasquez at hotmail.com>
Sent: Mon, October 19, 2009 10:52
Subject:[TRNSYS-users] Heat pump?


Hello, I'm a neew user of TRNSYS, and I'm trying to simulate a cooling system
coolant through soil using heat pump for cold production.

I can see that in the manual (volume 3, page 36) the type 20 is the
component that
represents the heat pump, but I have a doubt.

I see no way to indicate consumption data from either the compressor or
the cold. It
appears on the tab "External Files" should carry some information in that
file, but
not that kind of information can be loaded there?

I would appreciate any help you can give me.

Greetings and thanks
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