rgaray at labein.es rgaray at labein.es
Wed Nov 18 23:45:07 PST 2009

Dear Francisco,

Your statement is true. If you want to control the HVAC systems you state, 
it is needed a ventilation or gain heating/cooling system.
For that system to be implemented, you should need the following inputs to 
the building type 56:

For the air systems:
- Air change rate (maybe you should calculate this value from the air 
flowing inward and the zone volume) (1/h)
- Inlet temperature (ºC)

For the water systems or other non mixing systems:
- Hourly power supplied by the system (if  you want, convective and 
radiative power can be set separately) (KJ/h)
- Humidity (Kg/h)

As output of the system, this is a very vague question. Depending on your 
needs, any of the building variables can be stated as output.
Standard outputs include zone temperatures that may be needed for the HVAC 
control system.

I hope this answers your questions.


Roberto Garay Martinez
Unidad de Construcción y Desarrollo del Territorio
c/Geldo. Parque Tecnológico de Bizkaia
Edificio 700
48160 Derio (Bizkaia)
Tel.: 34 94 607 33 00
Fax: 34 94 607 33 49
Visite nuestro blog:
Bilbao, 17-19 de Mayo, 2010
Open and Sustainable Building
Edificación Adaptable y Sostenible

----- Mensaje de "JUAN FRANCISCO BELMONTE TOLEDO" <JuanF.Belmonte at uclm.es> 
en Wed, 18 Nov 2009 13:35:20 +0100 -----
<trnsys-users at cae.wisc.edu>
hello everyone.
i´d greatly appreciate your help in this question.
Reading the Manual Vol. 6 (Multizone Building Modeling) and the tutorial 
downloadable from the trnsys web, i see clear that to model an external 
heating/cooling equipment, heating/cooling type in trnBUILD not should be 
used, instead of that it should be used VENTILATION TYPE MANAGER (for air 
systems) or GAIN TYPE SYSTEM (for hydronic or refrigerant vapor 
compression systems).
In this case (hydronic system, in particular boiler + water radiators)
Is necessary supply the type56 with a hot water loop from the boiler?
what INPUTS AND OUTPUTS are required in this case for type 56?, i´m 
particularly interested in the OUTPUTS, and its coupling with the hot 
water circuit.
thanks a lot.
Juan Francisco Belmonte Toledo
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
02071 Albacete. Spain 

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