[TRNSYS-users] Adding a water layer for cooling the roof

Artemi Spanaki spanakiart at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 19 06:15:30 PST 2009

 Dear Trnsys users
I created a new component in Fortran that is adjusted to the roof of the building for passive cooling. The component is consisted of a layer of a wet gunny bag, a layer of water and a layer of concrete (conventional roof).
Since the results that I get do not seem to be very reasonable, I wonder if there is an alternative way to simulate the system. Is there any way to add a layer of water in the roof of a building for cooling purposes, using the components of TRNSYS library? 
I would also like to ask you whether the TRNSYS 16.1 edition is cooperate with new windows 7.
Yours faithfully
 Artemi Spanaki 		 	   		  
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