[TRNSYS-users] Parametric runs from batch file?

David Bradley bradley at tess-inc.com
Tue May 19 14:48:20 PDT 2009

 I do not believe that it is possible to run a parametric table from a 
batch file. You might be able to use Type70, which picks up a specified 
text file before the simulation starts and replaces a certain number of 
parameters in the simulation with the values identified in the text 
file. You'd have to find some way of modifying the text file between 
each run in your batch file but if you were able to, the text file could 
stand in for the information normally carried in the table. Running 
tables from batch mode is an interesting idea - I'll see what can be 
done about putting it on the development list for TRNSYS 17.
Kind regards,

Bjoern Nienborg wrote:
> Dear Trnsys users,
> I am looking for a way to run a number of parametric runs. On the one 
> hand I vary the value of a parameter by creating a *.tbl. But I also 
> would like to vary components within the dck file. My idea is to create 
> a batch file which runs one deck with the corresponding table, then the 
> next couple and so on. Is this possible??
> Thanks for your help!
> Björn

Thermal Energy System Specialists (TESS), LLC 
David BRADLEY                      22 N. Carroll Street - Suite 370 
Partner                            Madison, WI 53703 
P: +1.608.274.2577 
F: +1.608.278.1475
E-mail: bradley at tess-inc.com 
Web Pages:  http://www.tess-inc.com    and      http://www.trnsys.com


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