[TRNSYS-users] CO2 coupling with Comis and trnsys (2)

danny roelofsen dannyroelofsen at gmail.com
Tue Jun 16 06:26:10 PDT 2009

Dear Trnsys users,

I'm making a model where i'm coupling Comis and Trnsys to make it possible
to control (turn on and off) the ventilation with concentrations of CO2.

I have a CO2 source (I assume this source has to be given in Comis in each
individual room). I used a type 14h controller which gives out a value 0-1
to control wether the pollution source is on or off. I connected the actual
factor of type14h to the "actual factor for source with schedule". In the
results I can see that the concentration is higher in the periods the source
is active, but it seems it is not increasing over time when the source is
turned on. It seems like the source in Comis is regarded as a concentration
in/by Trnsys.

I attatched my files of Comis and Trnsys

Does anyone has a solution for this problem?

Thanks in advance,

Danny Roelofsen, Student of Windesheim University, The Netherlands

ps: I need an increasing concentration of Co2 in order to be able to control
the ventilation system, which i'm trying to control with type 2d. (comparing
the concentration of CO2 with the upper and lower dead band). If there is
a better solution for this i'd be glad to hear about it.
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