[TRNSYS-users] CLAGTEE 2009 - 1st Call for Papers

Prof. Dr. José Luz Silveira clagtee at feg.unesp.br
Tue Jan 27 15:10:09 PST 2009

Dear Friends:

        I am sending for you, some information and Call for Papers of
"Eighth Latin-American Congress: Electricity Generation and
Transmission, CLAGTEE 2009" to be held in Ubatuba, Brazil, 
October 18th-22nd ,2009.(http://www.feg.unesp.br/clagtee).

Abstracts due                    04/15/2009
Notification of Acceptance       05/15/2009
Full Paper due                   07/15/2009
Notification of Final Acceptance 08/15/2009

        Please send this information for your friends.
        I hope see you in this event.
		Thank you for your attention.

Information and Correspondence

e-mail: clagtee at feg.unesp.br, jacagnon at feb.unesp.br
Home Page: www.feg.unesp.br/clagtee

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